Madrix output "blinks"

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Madrix output "blinks"

Post by tboy »

Hello!, my name is Victor, i'm from Chile.
I'm currently running madrix on a 140 universes led strip setup for a tv show, i noticed that the LED strips sort of "blink" from time to time.
I'm using 3 ArtNet controllers called LM-501, these controllers are connected to 3 USB-Ethernet adapters individually.

first controller IP is set to - usb adapter set to
second controller IP is set to - usb adapter set to
third controller IP is set to - usb adapter set to

i'm not sure if this is the best setup for multiple ArtNet controllers.

When i have visuals on both decks, output blinking gets even worse.
i hope i was clear enough :D :D :D

can you please help me or give me some advice?


Victor Alarcón
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Re: Madrix output "blinks"

Post by Guertler »

Hello tboy,
You are right. It is not the best setup for an Art-Net connection.
I would recommend to use a network switch and connect all nodes in the 10.0.0.X network. So you have to use only one network adapter and set the IP adress of this adapter to and the subnet to
Nethertheless we need to find out the flicker problem and I have some questions:
- What kind of USB network adapter do you use (manufacturer and modell)?
- Please check also the power management for the USB connection in Windows. Power saving options should be disabled
- How often occurs the flickering? Is it permanently or randomly?
- What happens when you connect only one network adapter, only one Art-Net node and create new Art-Net configuration in MADRIX where only connected node is found?
- Occurs the flickering from the beginning or after a while?
- Can you please send us the used MADRIX setup and also the logfile via e-mail to info[at]madrix[dot]com?
Posts: 4
Joined: Mon Mar 19, 2012 10:00 pm

Re: Madrix output "blinks"

Post by tboy »

Hello!, thanks for your reply, let's continue by mail