Any Chance Perhaps For A Screen Capture/ Screen Output FX?

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Posts: 34
Joined: Tue Dec 20, 2011 6:28 am

Any Chance Perhaps For A Screen Capture/ Screen Output FX?

Post by ChrisCotton »

A great feature would be to have an area or areas of the monitor/host screen area active as a "live" send as an FX choice?? Also, it would be great to allow two camera inputs, instead of one... being able to switch live sources would only make this software even more incredible. Thanks Folks!
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Joined: Mon Oct 05, 2009 5:26 pm

Re: Any Chance Perhaps For A Screen Capture/ Screen Output F

Post by Fritzsche »

Hi Chris,

Thank you for your feedback!

If I understand you correctly, those features should already be there.

You can use the DVI output windows (Previews -> Preview DVI1 and Previews -> Preview DVI2) for screen-capturing and in fact that is done very regularly already with many products out there.

And if I am not mistaken you can have two camera inputs. SCE Video is a MADRIX Effect and each MADRIX Effect can be used on a Layer, and Layers make up the total effect on a Storage Place.

Is this what you meant? Please let me know. Thanks!
Posts: 34
Joined: Tue Dec 20, 2011 6:28 am

Re: Any Chance Perhaps For A Screen Capture/ Screen Output F

Post by ChrisCotton »

What I'm actually hoping for is the ability to cordon off an area of my desktop screen and patch whatever exists in that area to Madrix.
Desktop creations could display realtime on any mapped area.... maybe??

Thanks again!
Posts: 36
Joined: Wed Mar 13, 2013 2:17 pm

Re: Any Chance Perhaps For A Screen Capture/ Screen Output F

Post by Ismal »

Hi Chris,

If I understand correctly, you want to capture an area of your desktop and input that live feed into Madrix ?

I've used that technique often. You can capture a selected area of your desktop with many software like ManyCams or SplitCam, then in Madrix you select SCE Video and open capture device. You should see "ManyCams Source" or a different name depending on the software you use.

The only drawback is that you can't have Madrix fullscreen, unless you have multiple monitors.

Hope that Helps !
