I need to be able to store patchmaps with the scenes

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I need to be able to store patchmaps with the scenes

Post by ChrisCotton »

Since LED's will fit inside pars with some work, grouping of pixels (for instance) could allow a cluster to operate as a single color, two colors, or individually. It would be nice to be able to store a patch that had certain dmx channels selected, only to have a different patch that had its own choices; all without having to F3 over and over to select from there.
btw: Great Program!
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Re: I need to be able to store patchmaps with the scenes

Post by Fritzsche »

Hi Chris,

Thank you for your feedback!

Your inquiry reminds me of the second request in this thread: http://www.madrix.com/en/home/forum/vie ... f,3/t,361/

So, we are looking into implementing a function to load Patches by Macros/Scripts. And it is looking promising!

Furthermore, I would recommend to implement your different Patches into 1 Patch, i.e. to create different sections.

You could then use the Mapping function of MADRIX in order to map each Effect individually to the needed Patch sections. There is a Map button for each Layer in MADRIX allowing to position the effect to wherever you want on the Patch. Link to the user guide: http://help.madrix.com/hidd_map_dialog.html

Kind regards
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Re: I need to be able to store patchmaps with the scenes

Post by Fritzsche »

Hi Chris,

We have just released MADRIX 2.14b. The new version includes a new Macro/Script function for the Main Output Macro called ImportPatch(). This opens up new posssibilities. For example, you can call Storage Places and load then patches automatically.

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Re: I need to be able to store patchmaps with the scenes

Post by cadillackid »

this could be HUGE for me.. I have a patch stored that has my Mega christmas tree in a Grid as some effects look perfect on it as a grid.. I have another patch which has that same Mega tree in the shape of a Tree.. and yet another that has it in the shape of a star.. all the same fixtures physically located the same way.. but in the patch they are different because the effects render differently in the real workd depending on the patch... it opens a new possibility of how effects can render by re-patching..

How do I use the load feature? I control my active effect remotely with E1.31, so I cal la new storage bin... and say in the storage bin I have multiple layers of effects going.. would I create one layer that is a Script effect, that simply calls the patch import and make that layer Blind? since it wouldnt really be doing any changes to the lights? ( the other layers would be controlling the lights... )

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Re: I need to be able to store patchmaps with the scenes

Post by neilric99 »

Dannenberg wrote:Hi Chris,

We have just released MADRIX 2.14b. The new version includes a new Macro/Script function for the Main Output Macro called ImportPatch(). This opens up new posssibilities. For example, you can call Storage Places and load then patches automatically.

Thanks so much for this feature in 2.14b, it will be very helpful in being able to select a patch via a script on a layer.
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Re: I need to be able to store patchmaps with the scenes

Post by Hertel »

You are very welcome. Please share pictures or videos from your MADRIX installation with us. Thank you!
Christian Hertel
MADRIX - Sales Manager